a r o u n d Rizki Rahmadania Putri6 years agoShe turned off her phone as she realize how it really ruined her intuition. She never been this way too believe in someone else. She alway... 0 Komentar 3 minuteRead
arka-- take a deep breath Rizki Rahmadania Putri6 years ago It was our 2 hours professional yet personal conversation at 9 PM. When I should've done my revision and he should've at home. Obro... 1 Komentar 1 minuteRead
for what it's worth Rizki Rahmadania Putri6 years agoQuick update, it's 8/31 days left to be the 6th term student of LSPR Jakarta. Setelah final test ini berakhir, gue akan berkutat dengan ... 0 Komentar Less than a minuteRead