my thesis defense day; people are SUPER trustworthy Rizki Rahmadania Putri5 years ago Good morning, people! Rise and shine! When I wrote this post, it;s 4,5 hours to my thesis defense. I'm pretty sure you'll be like,... 0 Komentar 2 minuteRead
thesis defense schedule + first dine in after 5 months! Rizki Rahmadania Putri5 years agoHal pertama yang gue rasakan setelah melihat notifikasi e-mail kampus adalah ... Oke, gue mau sidang skripsi S1. Lalu setelah itu apa yang g... 0 Komentar 2 minuteRead
my very first macbook pro (my paycheck paid the bill) Rizki Rahmadania Putri5 years agoDisclaimer, this post isn't to show off something. I just want to share things I've never dreamt before and happened after a long jo... 0 Komentar 2 minuteRead