30 Days Blog Challenge #6 : Aku ambis, aku Capricorn
This is my favorite theme but on top of that, let’s say I’m not in a really good place to write. Honestly today is his birthday; happy birthday, Arka Satya. But that’s not what makes things rough today. Helen and I have journal revision deadline at 23.59 and we're not even touch 30% yet. Yah, wish me luck lah wkwkwk.
Talking about zodiac sign, I’m growing up knowing that zodiac has so much power to help me get along with people. So I really like to learn about the other 11 signs. I’ve got the best and the most suitable sign for my self; Capricorn.
Being Capricorn is SO HARD. We love too much, we hate too much. We wouldn’t do anything without wholeheartedly. Nggak ada dalam kamus Capricorn setengah-setengah. Iya atau nggak sama sekali. Jadi jangan salahin gue kalo gue AMBIS BANGET.
Tapi kalo gue udah nggak peduli ... oh come on, lo hidup aja gue nggak notice kali wkwkwk. By the way gue masih peduli berarti sama Arka Satya makanya gue ucapin ulang tahun. Tapi dia pun nggak akan tau. Jadi yaudah. 😉
Capricorn itu nggak bisa kalo nggak produktif —atau gue doang yang begitu? Cuman gue bener-bener nggak bisa kalo sehari nggak ngehasilin apa-apa. Kecuali kalo guenya yang emang udah capek banget kayak dua hari lalu. Gue cuman rebahan ... sama nulis blog. NAH TETEP ADA PRODUKTIFNYA KAN?
Yah gitu deh. Tapi kadang Capricorn doesn’t know how to enjoy the ride; suka ribet sendiri jadinya! Plus kalo kita udah nyaman banget sendiri, kayak yaudah, bisa sendiri. Nggak perlu siapa-siapa.
Cuman sebenernya ada fun fact. Walau kami kelihatan baik-baik aja sendirian tapi sebenernya kami berharap ditemukan. :)
Best match: surprisingly Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. 🙂🙂🙂
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