5 days left

Good morning fellas!

Today is... 3 days left to Graduation. I really excited about it!:3

Well after graduation, final exams will come and then here's come holidaaaay! I think it will be a long holiday like really long because Ramadhan will come soon!:"

Oh my goodness.. Ramadhan come again. Alhamdulillah:)

To be honest I was wondering who'll be with me on Ramadhan HAHAHAHA just kidding I dont have any crush now.

Okay I just done reading Animalia & geng with The Scientist by Coldplay repeated on my iPod and I'm like so genius because I can stand of it.

Animalia has lots of geng on it and I'm like really done with that on my last exam.

Okay okay. Today will be more longer than yesterday. My last chance to study full day (because on friday I'll practice all day with SGV), then on meeting with OSIS, SGV practice (there's no a day with my dearest SGV lol) and end up with PurwaCaraka.

I hope you guys have a great wednesday and I'll talk to you soon!^^

Ditulis dengan sok sok bahasa Inggris ngets setelah belajar biologi sampe mabok.

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