
I never thought that I would be able to having this serious relationship with those girls.

First is with Linda Desy. Its hard to believe that she came up as my best friend now!:")

Second is Afra Imtiyaz... May people think she's nice but no! She's freak and she know me so well♡

Then Rifa Kurotun Nada as you know as the most cabe-est girl in the entire of SGV or maybe my high school. She's such as miracle for me.

And you might be surprised but Nurfirmanillah (popular as Neng) be my diary nowdays:))

The last but not least, Febyani Rachim or Bunda. She's kinda my little sister or whatever it called.

For everything it takes. I want to say thank you for Smanda Golden Voice to meet me up with these girls...

And also for meet me up everytime with Ayesha, Syivia, Alya, Bening, Rizka, Ristra, Livia, Sabila, Novi, Dian, Melynda, Fony, Gemala, Ami, Wulan, Anggun, Dita, Gita, Charine, Ulfah, Nazma, Melisa, Putri, Eta, Icha, Farah -well with every-girls in this ekskul...

I'm kinda blessed. I've got so many new sisters. They're precious♥

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